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/ Treasures of Russia / Treasures of Russia.iso

Jump To: Directory (1)  |  Image (4)  |  Audio (9)  |  Document (4)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (36)

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Images (4)

Audio & Music (9)
delib13.wav Waveform Audio File Format 6m31s 17MB 1995-02-03
dream.wav Waveform Audio File Format 5m29s 15MB 1995-02-07
horal.wav Waveform Audio File Format 5m38s 15MB 1995-02-06
jokesong.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2m35s 7MB 1995-02-06
kolocol.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2m40s 7MB 1994-10-25
lamajor.wav Waveform Audio File Format 5m53s 16MB 1994-10-07
trans.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2s 105KB 1994-08-26
zast.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1m19s 4MB 1995-02-07
zvon.wav Waveform Audio File Format 5m35s 15MB 1994-05-20

Document (4)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
ran.mvb Multimedia Viewer Book 113MB 1995-02-02
rar.mvb Multimedia Viewer Book 58MB 1995-02-01
tre.mvb Multimedia Viewer Book 17 143KB 1994-12-06
trr.mvb Multimedia Viewer Book 18 145KB 1994-12-02

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
readme.eng Text File 491 22KB 1995-01-27
readme.rus Text File 518 22KB 1995-02-07
setup.lst File List 22 521b 1994-11-19
setupapi.inc Text File 1,843 57KB 1993-03-22
title.inf INI File 41 2KB 1994-11-29
title.mst Text File 522 18KB 1994-11-29

Other Files (36)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
_mstest.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 90KB 1993-03-22
commdlg.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 17 89KB 1993-03-22
ctl3d.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 14KB 1993-03-22
dispdib.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 6KB 1993-03-22
iccvid.drv Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 59KB 1993-11-19
indeo.drv Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 116KB 1993-03-22
mciavi.drv Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 61KB 1993-03-22
mscomstf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 78KB 1993-03-22
mscuistf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 5 24KB 1994-11-29
msdetstf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 25KB 1993-03-22
msinsstf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 67KB 1993-03-22
msshlstf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 3 14KB 1993-03-22
msuilstf.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 6KB 1993-03-22
msvidc.drv Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 38KB 1993-03-22
msvideo.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 40KB 1993-03-22
mvapi2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 12KB 1993-03-22
mvbmp2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 3 139KB 1993-03-22
mvbrkr2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 20KB 1993-03-22
mvfs2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 52KB 1993-03-22
mvftb.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 2 22KB 1994-12-01
mvftsui2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 160KB 1993-03-22
mviewer2.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 287KB 1993-03-22
mvimgep.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 4 22KB 1994-12-29
mvmci2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 46 93KB 1993-03-22
mvshow.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 9KB 1994-11-01
mvsrch2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 54KB 1993-03-22
mvtitle2.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 25KB 1993-03-22
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 26KB 1993-03-22
ver.dll Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 9KB 1993-03-22
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
all.lst Unknown 2KB 1995-02-06
deleber.lst Unknown 444b 1995-02-03
dream.lst Unknown 336b 1995-02-06
horal.lst Unknown 379b 1995-02-06
kolocol.lst Unknown 232b 1994-11-16
kum.lst Unknown 183b 1995-02-06
zast.lst Unknown 47b 1994-12-01